Ten of My Favorite Assume Love Posts


I have been writing Assume Love for a little more than six years now. That is a lot of blog posts. In case you missed them, these are some of the ones I am proudest of.
Earthquakes and Extramarital Affairs – Trusting the person you married, dealing with an affair if one happens (March 2011)
Four Steps to Assume Love – One incredibly powerful technique for anyone who wants a happier marriage (February 2006)
Change or Lose Your Spouse – Dr. Phil and I disagree again (April 2011)
All You Need is Love – Getting clear on what you really need from your spouse (February 2006)
Scheduling Spontaneity – If you’re both busy, date night helps, but you can have spontaneity, too (October 2006)
Big, Hairy Problems – What to do when big, hairy problems sneak up on the two of you (February 2010)
Backsliding – Dealing with the fear that improvements in your marriage are only temporary (May 2007)
How to Talk to Your Spouse About Money – No point turning a money issue into a marriage mess (December 2008)
Regaining Your Wife’s Respect – Men and women see respect differently (March 2012)
The Difference Between a Disagreement and a Fight – You might even learn to enjoy disagreements (June 2011)
Which is your favorite?

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • Patty, I like your idea of looking for Third Alternatives. All too often we think that there are only two choices, and we feel as though a compromise will mean that neither of us gets what we want. But by framing it as a third alternative rather than a compromise, it is easier to imagine that it might be possible to satisfy both.

By Patty Newbold

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