CategoryBooks and classes

My Second Journal: Loved


My second of three journals has been published. This one is for anyone feeling disappointed or frustrated by their husband or wife. Are your needs going unmet? Do you feel you’re trying harder than your spouse? Are you carrying too much of the load in your marriage? Did you expect a gift you did not get? Loved: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Dashed Expectations and Unmet Needs...

My Going Bonkers? Articles


As I was setting up my Author page on Amazon for Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements, I discovered that all of the articles I wrote for Going Bonkers? magazine (The Self-Help Magazine with a Sense of Humor) are in issues now available in Kindle format. I thought you might find some of them interesting, as they go into more depth than I can on the blog. In...

Patty Has Published Agreed: A Journal


Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements, the first of three Enjoy Being Married Journals, is now available on Amazon. If you are a regular reader of the Assume Love blog, you know my mantra for enjoying your marriage: Assume Love (when you’re upset) Expect Love (when you’re disappointed) Find Third Alternatives (when you disagree) This first journal...

Inexpensive Marriage Education


I now record all of my marriage education teleclasses, and you can listen to these 45- to 70-minute recordings for just $6 each. What Should You Expect from Your Husband or Wife? Are You Suffering Needlessly? When Your Spouse’s Hobby Drives You Crazy How Dare You?! Moments in Marriage Should I Seek a Divorce? What to Do About Your Spouse’s Bad Habits Open Forum: You Choose Our Topics...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

A Great Summer Read: Marriage Confidential


I think just about everyone who reads this blog will enjoy Marriage Confidential: Love in the Post-Romantic Age, which just came out in paperback. In it, author Pamela Haag explores the semi-happy marriage with the compelling writing of a master storyteller armed with a good bit of research. I was sent a copy of this book as part of a blog tour. I found it delightful to read and hard to put down...

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