CategoryWhy be married?

Why Be Married? For Another Pair of Eyes


One of my greatest pleasures in life comes from finding solutions by looking at problems from odd angles. Sometimes, though, I get stuck. This is when I find the fact that my husband and I see so many things so differently a real blessing. Whenever I need, I can borrow his eyes. Doing so usually entails a sharp stab of pain as I realize how wrong my starting perspective looks to him. I feel so...

Why Be Married? For the Creativity Boost


Today is the fifth anniversary for a couple of great friends of mine. They are two of the most creative people I know. Each of them provides a boost to the other’s creative efforts. He is Matthew Cornell, a photo-realistic painter with a thing for stormy weather. He won first place in painting at the Saint Louis Art Fair in Clayton, MO, this year. That’s a big deal prize, in case...

Why Be Married? Because Love Happens All the Time, Everywhere


Yesterday, the New York Times published Mona Simpson’s eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs. I just have to reprint a few really important quotes from it today. Steve was like a girl in the amount of time he spent talking about love. Love was his supreme virtue, his god of gods. He tracked and worried about the romantic lives of the people working with him. I remember when he phoned the day...

Why Be Married? For the Hot Water


As you might have heard, the northeastern U.S. got hit with a record-breaking October snowstorm yesterday. We were right in its path. And even though I usually overprepare for hurricanes, I didn’t do much about this freak storm, because I was supposed to pick up my mother at the airport. Instead of preparing the house, I was digging out my car. Online weather reports kept telling me it was...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Why Be Married? For a 70th Anniversary


A New Zealand couple, Margaret and Allan Alexander, celebrated their 70 wedding anniversary on October 4th. Both are in their 90s. They met in 1937 and married in 1941. A month after marrying, Allan went off to fight in WWII. A bomber pilot stationed in England, he was unable to return home for three long years. It was a huge test for a new marriage, one faced by many couples who married in 1941...

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