CategoryWhy be married?

Why Be Married? Because I Can Handle Family Life


I found this new study interesting. I think a lot of men may, too. Makiki Fuwa of the University of Tokyo just published an analysis of data from the 2002 International Social Survey Programme that looks at women in 31 countries. She set out to learn whether cross-national differences in the association between women’s economic independence and their attitudes toward marriage could be...

Why Be Married? To Fight Inequality


Today’s NY Times has a great analysis of the greatly increasing role marriage plays in class inequality in the U.S. Forty years ago, the top and middle income thirds had virtually identical family patterns: more than 95 percent of households with children in either tier had two parents in the home. I grew up very near the bottom of that middle income third, but I grew up with both my...

Why Be Married? For the Wednesday Walk to Breakfast


Almost every weekday morning, I exchange to-do lists and done lists with two Success Team buddies. And almost every Wednesday morning, I break into a grin when I see “Wednesday walk to breakfast.” It’s a special tradition for this woman and her husband, a break in their work days, which start very early. Traditions like this strengthen marriages. They help avoid drifting apart...

Why Be Married? For the Miracle of Love and Life


This is a guest blog post from Sue Wiygul Martin, whose unfolding story on her new blog should stir anyone who has ever felt depressed, disabled, or bedeviled. It is a celebration of that wonderful moment when we declare our intention to encounter life as a twosome. In Sue’s case, it was clearer than at many weddings how big a challenge that can be. Fortunately for all of us, they are still...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Why Be Married? For the Anchor


Ever feel so angry you want to break something or hurt someone? When you’re married to someone you love, you can balance your anger against your desire to protect your spouse. It makes it easier to anchor yourself instead of drifting on the currents of your anger. Ever feel like walking away from your job and your debts rather than do the hard work of making things right again? Being...

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