CategoryWhy be married?

Why Be Married? To Be a Great Dad


Fathers matter so much to their children. If you’re reading this blog, I know you care a lot about your marriage. You have no idea how delighted this makes me. Loving your children’s mother is the number one thing you can do for those kids. We moms often think we know best about raising children, but dads are important because they have different goals and different approaches to...

Why Be Married? For the Questions


One of the things I really like about being married is being asked questions that force me to look at things from other angles. My husband excels at coming up with these. Lately, an odd string of unexpected occurrences keeps taking me back to my roots, one of which was city planning, my college major. Not the where do we need some green space sort of planning nor the should this be zoned light...

Why Be Married? To Share the Load


Last night, I read this article in my alumni news about Lita Nelsen, MIT’s Director of Technology Licensing. She and her staff negotiate between faculty members, including Nobel Laureates, and the companies seeking to use their inventions. She graduated MIT ten years before me, when there were even fewer women in her class, only 22, so I know she must be pretty tough-skinned. It was the...

Lucky Day


On days like this, when so many people fear for their lives and property, when so many have already lost theirs, I feel lucky. My life has its ordinary ups and downs, but I am safe, and I am not on my own. I feel so fortunate to be married on days like this. We have some minor damage from last night’s storm, but we got off very easy. Around us, at least one person has lost his life and...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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