Tagassume love

The Marriage Blister


Have you got a marriage blister? That would be an irritation resulting from something that rubs you the wrong way, day after day after day. For example, you find a raised toilet seat offensive, and you have to lower it several times a day. Or you make the dinner and expect this means you will not have to wash any dishes, but they are still on the counter at bedtime at least every other day. Or...

Is It Possible to Enjoy Being Married?


Marriage brings with it responsibilities, disagreements, and unpleasant surprises. Some of them don’t make themselves known until you divorce or your mate becomes addicted to something. Thanks to the recently high divorce rate, marriage often means stepchildren, too, not to mention stepparents-in-law and your new half-brother-in-law’s son and stepdaughter. Lots of family drama...

Should I be Mad at My Mate?


A comment I received yesterday on this blog encouraged me to write this. I am so glad she asked! I’ll bet most readers have asked this same question at some point in their marriages. I’m writing this as I need to blow off steam and see if I am right or wrong about getting mad at my husband. I was busy Sunday afternoon catching up with work. My husband and I weren’t planning on...

I’m Dying to Tell You About Something


This arrived today as a comment, but it’s too good to be hidden away like that. It’s written by a regular blog reader who calls herself Roodle. It made my day, and I think it will give a lot of hope and wisdom to others hoping to get married. Hi again, Patty. I’m dying to tell you about something that’s happened in my life, largely due to your blog. I’m in my mid...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

When Your Romantic Overture Fails


I received a comment today on this blog from JS, who is looking to put some romance back in his or her marriage. Like so many of us, they have fallen into parents-instead-of-lovers mode. For their anniversary, JS arranged a romantic weekend without the kids at a hotel and spa she likes, but it backfired. She did not like being surprised. She claimed to be ill and refused to go, then went shopping...

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