You want to travel overseas. You’re married to someone who will not fly. You want to go back to school. Your spouse says, “We need you here.” Here might be the kitchen, the office, the store, or even the bank account. You want to spend Saturdays hiking. You married someone whose idea of a hike is getting the mail from the mailbox. Marriage is not meant to be stifling. It is...
3 Big Mistakes in Apologies to Your Wife or Husband
At some point in your marriage, perhaps many points, your wife or husband will feel hurt and withdraw from you. More than likely, you will feel miserable, either because you hate to see your beloved in such pain or because you feel unjustly accused. The last thing you want at this point is an ineffective apology. It will make both of you feel worse. Here are three big mistakes to avoid when you...
How to Get Your Mate’s Attention
It happens a lot. We reach a point in our marriage where there seems to be no time for each other. So much to do! Kids. Work. Schooling. Email. Favorite TV shows or sports teams. Cooking. Taxes. Shopping. All of a sudden, it’s just too much. We want to talk. Go out to a quiet dinner together. Get some sympathy. Make time for skiing or photography or whatever it was we did together before...
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Your Marriage
Martin Luther King, Jr. changed the United States as much as almost anyone in our history. However, he was not born into greatness. He was born into unfairness and brutal penalties for aspiring to much of anything. He chose to risk his career, his income, his physical safety, and his wife and children to step up to the plate and take a swing at perhaps making a difference. He chose it while in...
How to Handle Campaign Disagreements
Most of the time when couples disagree, I strongly urge them to Find Third Alternatives. Life together rocks when you both get what you want or better. Fortunately, though, you get two votes at the end of a political campaign. You both get to cast the vote you want, and which candidate wins probably will not depend on how your household votes. Best advice for handling campaign disagreements...