I’ve been blogging for quite a while now, since Valentine’s Day of 2006. If you’re new to this blog, the Assume Love Archives must seem a bit overwhelming. So let me try to sum up the basics for you. First, I write about marriage and committed life partnerships, not about relationships in general. I write for people with a mutual and public commitment to love each other, an...
Hidden Influences on Your Marriage
We all have both explicit and implicit memories. The explicit ones we can generally retrieve on demand: who taught our 9th grade Algebra class, what the weather was on our wedding day, what we ate for breakfast this morning. Alzheimer’s erodes these memories, and we have none from our earliest years because our brains could not form them yet. The implicit ones are the hidden influences on...
When You Know You’re Right
Have you ever had one of those discussions where you just know you’re right and your wife or husband is wrong? Not the sort where you debate whether Bigfoot exists or not, but the sort where you think it makes sense to buy a bigger lawn mower or to stay away from Aunt Zelda’s third wedding and you’re getting an argument. There are two ways to handle these. The most common seems...
Why Can’t You See This My Way? – Part 3
In Part 3 of this series, I want to address a comment added to Part 1. I want to address it because I remember thinking like the commenter around a dozen years into my first marriage, and it kept me from fixing my marriage or even believing it could be fixed. Here’s the first part of the comment, which Matt wrote but so many others could have, too. Well, since this IS the assume love...
Two Great Reads
I loved these. I think you might, too. Grace Full Mama blogger Joy wrote a post about her missionary pilot husband recently that just warmed my heart. He actually said he would rather his wife assume love than bake fresh bread for his sandwiches or clean the house! [Thanks to Lori, The Generous Wife for linking to both of us in the same blog post, because I had never seen Joy’s blog. Also...