CategoryBooks and classes

When Your Spouse Spends Too Much


When Your Spouse Spends Too Much (or Earns Too Little) is the title of my next teleclass, scheduled for July 13, 2011 at 6 pm PDT, 9 pm EDT. There is no charge to attend, but you must be a newsletter subscriber to get the phone number, and you must phone in to participate. Put it on your calendar and sign up for the newsletter now at . I do not believe you are a victim. You hold the power to...

How to Stop Poking Your Spouse


Drs. Pat Love and Steven Stosny, authors of How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It, gave a great webinar this past Sunday. Ever wondered how just keeping quiet could make your mate anger or look so hurt? Or how sharing what’s upsetting you could make your spouse defensive or even aggressive? Stosny and Love gave great a great explanation and tips on how to avoid such upsets...

Black Marriage Day 2011


Today is Black Marriage Day. I wish there were a marriage day for every community. Deaf Marriage Day. Doylestown Marriage Day. Gay Marriage Day. Celebrity Marriage Day. UCLA Marriage Day. Catholic Marriage Day.
Marriage strengthens a community. Bravo and thank you to Nisa Muhammad for creating Black Marriage Day.

Ridge Project Keeps Families Intact, Dads Out of Prison


What timing! Here I am thinking about what to ask Dr. Washington tonight about keeping a marriage healthy while a spouse serves prison time and Diane Sollee just announced another award to the Ridge Project. The Ridge Project is a Christian marriage education program in Ohio with a 24 week program called Keeping FAITH: Keeping Families And Inmates Together In Harmony. The latest award comes from...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

This Path We Share


Did you, like so many others, grow up without the chance to observe a great marriage at close range for many years? Marriage books and blogs like this one can only go so far to fill this gap. We need role models, not just techniques. Lois Tschetter Hjelmstad offers us an intimate, close-up picture of her marriage to Les Hjelmstad in her new book, This Path We Share: Reflecting on 60 Years of...

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