CategoryBooks and classes

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work


One of the most widely read and cited books on marriage is The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman, Ph.D., and Nan Silver. Gottman can predict whether a couple will divorce after watching and listening to them for only five minutes. His predictions are correct 91% of the time. He watches for four things as they try to resolve an ongoing disagreement. Here’s what...

You Don’t Have to Take It Anymore


I’ve just finished reading You Don’t Have to Take It Anymore: Turn Your Resentful, Angry, or Emotionally Abusive Relationship into a Compassionate, Loving One by Steven Stosny, PhD. What a great resource for anyone in a marriage where they are walking on eggshells! Stosny, a psychologist who runs programs for abusive men, credits his abused mother for suggesting the core of his...

Fighting for Your Marriage


I strongly recommend Fighting for Your Marriage by Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley, and Susan L. Blumberg. A new and revised version was published in 2001 by Jossey-Bass. Assume Love can be the first step on the road to a happier marriage, but it should not be the last step. The PREP program taught in this book can improve your marriage even more. PREP stands for Prevention and Relationship...

The Five Love Languages


The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, was first published in 1992. It’s been republished twice and widely read. There’s even a special edition for men. In case you’ve missed it, Chapman explains five different ways that we love and like to be loved. Knowing them makes it easier to recognize when your spouse is offering love that might not look like love to you and to find...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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