CategoryBooks and classes

No Dads Needed?


The New York Times published an article yesterday titled For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage. It’s a wonderful thing that women can now support themselves and their children. I know this firsthand, as I became a single mom at 34, when my first husband died. I was in no shape to remarry just to support myself and our son, and I did not want to place this burden on my...

Teleclass Recordings!


For several years, I have wrestled with requests for recordings from people whose schedules don’t allow them to be part of my Enjoy Being Married teleclasses. I do the teleclasses for free. I don’t advertise anything during them. What I get in return is real-life marriage stories. I learn what people are facing. I hear their great ideas for each other. I discover when I make sense and...

Marriage Book Recommendations


Here are three books I often recommend to people dealing with marriage problems. If You Doubt Your Spouse Still Loves You or Your Spouse Doubts Your Love: The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman If Your Disagreements Turn into Loud Arguments: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work If You Hit, Grab, Choke, or Belittle Your Spouse or Your...

Date Night: How to Keep Your Marriage Intimate


Intimate: Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity ( Intimate: Marked by a warm friendship developing through long association ( Date Night Goals: Become better acquainted, build warm memories with your husband, wife, or life partner. Free Teleclass: Enjoy Being Married, Wednesday, December 14, 2011, at 9pm Eastern. What You Will Learn: How to...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Launching a Business Without Killing Your Marriage


Gene Marks’ NY Times blog on the art of running a small business included two items that caught my attention yesterday. The first is a great quote from Penelope Trunk in Venture Beat: “The dirty secret about start-up founders is they can’t keep marriages together. Part of the reason for this is they are crazy to begin with. And part of the reason is that you have to be married...

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