CategoryBooks and classes

What Twitter Can Tell You About Marriage


On Twitter, where I am known as @married, I created an Enjoy Being Married list of Tweeters with good stuff to say about being married. Here are just ten of the tweets from the Enjoy Being Married list today. @smartmarriages Want a surplus of sex? Create a Surplus of Positivity. #marriage @relationshipsca How To Save A Marriage From Unemployment Woes

Marriage Questions? We Have Answers


Once a month, I do a free marriage education teleclass. This is your opportunity to learn a little and ask me just about anything. It usually a small group, so you can expect plenty of personal attention. The topic is announced in advance. On November 9th, the topic will be In-laws, Step-kids, and Holidays. If time allows, we will tackle other topics, based on your questions. I would love to have...

Great Resources for Marriage Education


Here are some of my favorites: Smart Marriages – find local classes, get recordings of talks by all the biggest names in marriage research and marriage education Money Habitudes – a card game that will help the two of you share and resolve your differing approaches to money Power of Two – online marriage education Compassion Power Boot Camps – Steven Stosny’s program...

Marriage No Longer Counts in Canada


Canada has announced they will stop tracking national marriage and divorce rates, to save some money now that they have one unmarried couple living together for every two married couples. As a parting shot, here are a couple of interesting statistics from 2008, the last report they will issue, according to The Globe and Mail: 73.2% — Marriages in Newfoundland and Labrador expected to last...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Gotta Crow a Little


I feel like everything in my life is coming together, and it feels so good! My first online marriage workshop launched this weekend. This full-day workshop is available on your schedule, because it is all online. Complete the 19 short lessons when you want. Take as long as you like—you have full access to them, at any hour of the day, for an entire year. I titled it Enjoy Being Married When...

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