Gotta Crow a Little


I feel like everything in my life is coming together, and it feels so good!
My first online marriage workshop launched this weekend. This full-day workshop is available on your schedule, because it is all online. Complete the 19 short lessons when you want. Take as long as you like—you have full access to them, at any hour of the day, for an entire year.
I titled it Enjoy Being Married When You Take the Self-Employment Plunge, because it will be the first in a series of courses on how to Enjoy Being Married through life’s many ups and downs.
This first one is for those of you thinking of going freelance or launching your own business. If you want advice on choosing a business or launching it, check out Barbara Sher, Pace and Kyeli Smith, Jonathan Fields, Pam Slim, Seth Godin, Michael Port, Barbara Winter, or the wonderful gang at Third Tribe Marketing. This course is about how to keep your marriage happy and healthy while you take the roller coaster ride of your life.
What came together for me in this course?

  • My love of helping others enjoy being married
  • My 37 years of creating training that works for corporations, government agencies, and universities
  • The past seven years of helping others do what they love, thanks to finally meeting Barbara Sher in 2004 and becoming one of her Success Teams Leaders
  • All the positive psychology and marriage research I have studied, meshed with all my experiences as a self-employed person for most of my working life
  • The wonderful, fantastic, people-connecting internet, and the chance to use it to reach and teach so many people
  • My lifelong desire to change the world, even just a little bit

I am tickled pink to present this course to you. If your own Independence Day is coming up soon, I really hope you will check it out. To encourage you, I am offering a big discount until the end of July at
To the rest of you, I say Follow Your Dream. It feels great. And thanks to ProNagger Rachel Z. Cornell for keeping me putting one foot in front of the other, to Beth LaMie for cheering me on for so long, even as she put out two great books on capturing who you are and where you come from, and to Barbara Sher, the Resistance Whisperer, who has taught me so much.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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