My Going Bonkers? Articles


As I was setting up my Author page on Amazon for Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements, I discovered that all of the articles I wrote for Going Bonkers? magazine (The Self-Help Magazine with a Sense of Humor) are in issues now available in Kindle format.
I thought you might find some of them interesting, as they go into more depth than I can on the blog.
In Going Bonkers? issue 7 is My Spouse Acts Like He [She] Hates Me: When You No Longer Feel Loved. It’s the top article on the cover, the title illustrated by Randy Glasbergen, who wrote the cartoon strip The Better Half. You can find it on pages 38 through 40.
You can find my Where’s My Old Spouse: When the Person You Married Makes a Drastic Life Change piece on pages 62 through 64 of In Going Bonkers? issue 8.
My article on the tradeoffs in development of Character Strengths, Tradeoffs: Why Your Hardworking Mate is Ungrateful and Other Mysteries of Love is on pages 58 through 62 of Going Bonkers? issue 10.
Finally, in Going Bonkers? issue 12, you can read Spontaneously Boring: When Your Spouse Leaves All the Planning to You on pages 29 through 31.
You’ll find lots more in these magazine issues full of upbeat, well-edited and illustrated articles by a variety of fascinating authors. I share that last issue with Wayne Dyer. Going Bonkers? was one of my favorite magazines. I hope you’ll take a look at these Kindle editions.
Required disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission on Amazon sales through these links.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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