Patty Has Published Agreed: A Journal


Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements, the first of three Enjoy Being Married Journals, is now available on Amazon.
If you are a regular reader of the Assume Love blog, you know my mantra for enjoying your marriage:

  • Assume Love (when you’re upset)
  • Expect Love (when you’re disappointed)
  • Find Third Alternatives (when you disagree)

Agreed_150w.pngThis first journal is designed to help you Find Third Alternatives and stop feeling like your marriage is a conflict zone. The back of every weekly journal page is a worksheet you can use to find your way through any disagreement, big or small, to a Third Alternative both of you like better, or at least as much, as the one you brought to the disagreement. The process is a lot more fun than debating or fighting or bullying to get your way, and it always ends up with both of you getting what makes you happy.
I included lots of real examples, showing you how to use the journal and the worksheets to get what you want while giving your husband or wife the moon and the stars. That’s what you hoped marriage would be like, isn’t it? It can be.
Please buy a copy of Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements for yourself and one for a friend.
The links above are Amazon Affiliate links that provide a tiny extra payment to help fund this blog. If you prefer to purchase through Amazon Smile, to give that money to your favorite charity, just search for Patty Newbold Agreed once you’re logged in there. Indie bookstores do not yet carry Agreed.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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