Daytime Date Nights


Date nights help you stay close, replenish your passion for each other, and grow in the same direction over time. But they don’t have to happen after dark.
Some of the best daytime date nights bring you transcendent experiences, the sort where you rise above yourselves, feel your inner selves expanding, sense your spirits lifting.
Take an Introductory Ride at Your Local Flight School
Aerial views of the places you drive and bike around are so different. You’ll discover new places, marvel at the influence of nature on your built environment, and most likely get a kick out of overcoming any fear of traveling through the air and its surprising currents and pockets. When the trees are colorful is a great time for such a trip. Most flights schools at small airports around the US offer a $50 first-time introductory flight.
Go Up in a Hot Air Balloon
I have never done this one, but it sounds like one notch up from riding in a small plane. Seems to call for a very special kiss.
Visit the Top of a Canyon or the Bottom of a Cavern
Nature humbles and awes us. It’s a great experience to share with your beloved. On the drive there and back, avoid talking about kids, bills, and work. Recall great shared memories. Ask philosophical questions. Talk about whatever has recently fascinated you. Get back in touch with each other as lovers, not financial or parenting partners.
Go Spiritual
Find a place to pray or meditate with thousands of fellow believers. Show up for a sunrise service. Listen to great religious music in a place with terrific acoustics. Or create your own opportunity for a shared spiritual event in a special place.
Give Back
Volunteer together and help others. Whatever you can do, it will remind you of how great your lives are, instead of what’s missing from them.
Watch a Broadway Play or Musical
Choose one with a top-notch cast and director who can transport you into a world of their own creation. Check the reviews for one with a great set or scenery for the full experience.
We humans thrive on transcendent experiences. And on love. Enjoy!

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • Hot air ballooning is a wonderful suggestion. It’s a bit expensive, but perfect for a special occasion. My husband surprised me with a hot air balloon ride the day he proposed. It was fantastic.

  • Sounds like a lot of fun, Rosemary. I have heard that it is possible to fly for free in exchange for being part of the chase team for a half dozen other flights. Those could be some fun times together, too.

By Patty Newbold

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