
Beware What You Share


If your otherwise loving marriage has been a bit disappointing lately, try this: share wishes, not complaints. A wish is an opportunity for your spouse to earn that delicious feeling of acting lovingly, knowing it will be received well. You get no guarantee that they’ll notice the opportunity or act on it, because you might not be the only partner nursing a disappointment. But it’s...

My Wife Says She’s Leaving Me


Women initiate more divorces than men do. The words “I’m leaving you” can be a complete shock, especially if you’ve been just coasting in your relationship. What should you do next? This depends on what you’re thinking. She can’t leave me! I won’t let her. If these are your first thoughts, you’re in a very dangerous spot, and your first step must be...

Doing All the Chores?


You know how you start thinking you’re doing the bulk of the chores? Or that you’re stuck with way too many on top of your exhausting paid job? You are not alone. Most wives feel this way. And so do most husbands. How can this be? Surely one of us is trying to put something over on the other. Surely one of us needs to pick up the pace a bit and relieve our mate, no? Not really. Even...

The Assume Love Philosophy


This, in a nutshell, is the Assume Love philosophy: put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. In other words, don’t work on your relationship. Help yourself enjoy being married. What you do for your relationship when you enjoy it will never feel like work. Save your ideas for making your spouse a better husband or wife until you have fully opened yourself to receive the love...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Is Your Husband or Wife the Right One for You?


If you are trying to answer this question, I can help. This is how to tell if the person you married is the right one for you. Stop expecting anything but love. Watch who emerges. If you are with the wrong person, it is not likely some right person awaits your desertion of the wrong one. If this is the wrong one, all the chores, all the bills, all the parenting responsibilities, all the social...

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