TagEnjoy Being Married

Patty Has Published Agreed: A Journal


Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements, the first of three Enjoy Being Married Journals, is now available on Amazon. If you are a regular reader of the Assume Love blog, you know my mantra for enjoying your marriage: Assume Love (when you’re upset) Expect Love (when you’re disappointed) Find Third Alternatives (when you disagree) This first journal...

What Twitter Can Tell You About Marriage


On Twitter, where I am known as @married, I created an Enjoy Being Married list of Tweeters with good stuff to say about being married. Here are just ten of the tweets from the Enjoy Being Married list today. @smartmarriages Want a surplus of sex? Create a Surplus of Positivity. tinyurl.com/3kaejo5 #marriage @relationshipsca How To Save A Marriage From Unemployment Woes ow.ly/7akrS...

Marriage Questions? We Have Answers


Once a month, I do a free marriage education teleclass. This is your opportunity to learn a little and ask me just about anything. It usually a small group, so you can expect plenty of personal attention. The topic is announced in advance. On November 9th, the topic will be In-laws, Step-kids, and Holidays. If time allows, we will tackle other topics, based on your questions. I would love to have...

Is It Possible to Enjoy Being Married?


Marriage brings with it responsibilities, disagreements, and unpleasant surprises. Some of them don’t make themselves known until you divorce or your mate becomes addicted to something. Thanks to the recently high divorce rate, marriage often means stepchildren, too, not to mention stepparents-in-law and your new half-brother-in-law’s son and stepdaughter. Lots of family drama...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Enjoy Being Married for a While


Like many bloggers, I have several Google Alerts delivering me stories daily. One of my standing queries is for mentions of my marriage resource website, Enjoy Being Married. This one also sends me lots of marriage announcements of big-time and local celebrities. Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo “are probably going to enjoy being married for a bit,” says reporter Julia Bodeeb. From a...

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