CategoryHow to Assume Love

35th Wedding Anniversary


Today is the 35th anniversary of the day I got married. It was a gorgeous Spring day, and we married, surrounded by lilacs in bloom and our closest friends and relatives, in the garden behind Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Cambridge home. Would we still be married now, if I knew then to Assume Love, Expect Love, and Find Third Alternatives? If we had been able to stay close through those...

Gottman Marriage Research Supports Assume Love, Expect Love


Long-term, stable marriages have at least five positive exchanges for each negative exchange. Drop below that, and you’re in trouble. This comes from one of the best known marriage researchers, John Gottman. He has a remarkable track record of predicting the state of your marriage four years later based on watching only a 15-minute conversation about some problem the two of you face. What...

Radio Interview with Barbara Sher


On February 17th, I was interviewed on Barbara Sher’s Live the Life You Love web radio show. Barbara is a wonderful interviewer, and the hour turned out to be great fun for me. The interview is all about how to Assume Love, Expect Love, and Find Third Alternatives and why these help us Enjoy Being Married. To listen, click on the link above and look for the 2/17/2008 show. You can play it...

When Marriage Crumbles


What an honor it is to walk into someone’s life at just the right moment. I had a chance recently to talk about assuming love, expecting love, and looking for the third alternative with a woman ready to toss in the towel on her marriage. Recent life events had created a lot of tension between her and her husband of twenty-plus years. Like me when I was 34 years old and frantic, she’d...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Three Tips for Getting the Most From Your Marriage


How to feel more loved every single day: 1 – Assume love. When your spouse’s or life partner’s behavior upsets you, stop, assume for the moment he or she is still the same wonderful person and still loves you very much. Now try to explain how he or she might have done this if this is true. You’ll stop your knee-jerk reactions long enough to see the situation a lot more...

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