Tagcharacter strengths

My Going Bonkers? Articles


As I was setting up my Author page on Amazon for Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements, I discovered that all of the articles I wrote for Going Bonkers? magazine (The Self-Help Magazine with a Sense of Humor) are in issues now available in Kindle format. I thought you might find some of them interesting, as they go into more depth than I can on the blog. In...

Michelle Obama Says Laugh with Your Spouse


Michelle Obama says a lot of laughing and finding ways to have fun together keeps her bond with President Barak Obama strong, according to Yahoo News. They have been married for 18 years, balancing two careers, one of them in some pretty tough political arenas, and parenthood. Humor and playfulness is one of the Transcendence strengths studied in the VIA (Values in Action) Classification of...

How Much is Your Nurturing Worth?


Are you the sort of person who takes good care of your mate? Brings a fresh box of tissues bedside during the flu? Gets up to make breakfast every morning? Washes, matches, and lovingly folds socks? Shows up for a goodbye kiss at the door? Fusses over the kids to make sure they feel securely cared for? How much nurturing do you feel you deserve in return? Great kindness is a character strength...

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