One of the things Caryl Rusbult discovered about relationships is that the more both parties have invested in them, the less likely they are to end.
What is your partner up to in which you could invest some time or money this week? What does your husband or wife need that you could provide? What could you do to help your life partner be braver and take the risk that makes the difference?
And what could you ask for as an investment in your future that would benefit both of you down the road?
Investment Improves Your Odds
CJ and I both recently invested in building a website. To build the site, we had to invest a pretty good chunk of money, but it has been the time commitment that has been the biggest investment. The time we are spending together to create content and make sure our virtual home is inviting is the investment that will have the most significant impact down the road. We love writing near or with each other. Although we each write our own posts, we have loved co-authoring our About Us page and also providing feedback on chapters for our book. It sure beats walking around the mall!
It’s a great website, and I love that you two are writing it together. Sounds like lots more fun than walking around the mall.