Date Night Ideas for the Class of ’70


It’s 42 years since my husband and I graduated from high school. I went to a fairly affluent and well-run high school in the northeast corner of NJ. He went to high school in an impoverished steel mill town in Pennsylvania that had the foresight to apply for and win a grant that gave him the ability to star in his own TV show every school day, doing stand-up comedy.
Most of my date night suggestions are for folks still raising kids. Today, I thought I might offer some for folks our age, folks in the class of 1970, some of us married for 35 or 40 years now, others in second marriages now.
It’s snowing as I write this, but I remember a popular date from our high school years was miniature golf. If you’re in a warmer climate, how about a night of miniature golf, just the two of you? I’m pretty sure you would need to start it at a pizza shop or a sub shop and finish it off with a long and passionate kiss at your front door. While you’re playing, remember back to those days, so you don’t forget which strokes really count on a golf date.
For my high school comedian husband, how about a night out at a comedy club? Check around for one with a comedian from our generation. Laughter is a wonderful way to feel closer to your mate. By now you don’t need to be told that too much alcohol is not. Sip slowly and take the time to watch your beloved having a good time.
We also remember going to the movies on dates in high school. Back then, the theaters were a lot larger than they are today. Take advantage of the tiny ones and find a showing where you might have the entire theater to yourselves. Do something that would seriously gross out your kids during the show. Head for a restaurant or your candle-lit dining room table after the movie, for an adults-only, restful meal.
And if you’re raising your grandkids now, don’t bring them along. You still need time to be you, to be a couple, and to act your age, which is a wonderful one!

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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  • We often do our date “nights” during the daytime, so miniature golf is a good one for us. We play two rounds, because I need the first one to warm up and give him a real challenge the second time around!

By Patty Newbold

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