2 October Date Night Ideas


You can’t always go out for pizza and a movie, can you? Here are two more ideas for spending time together as a married couple.
Miss the cool fall weather from where you grew up? Pack some soup, some bread, and some coffee or hot cider and head for your nearest ice skating rink. Don’t forget your mittens. Get some exercise on skates, then open your cool-weather feast at a table or on the skate-changing benches. (If you now live in this month’s cool weather, drive to a great daytime or nighttime view and have your soup in the car.)
Or send the kids off to someone else’s house for the night and have your own Halloween party. Buy some cheap costumes from the dollar store or gather up your own bits and pieces of clothing. Then take your time turning doorbell-ringing costumes into for-your-eyes-only variations. Try out a few fantasies. French maid? Sexy clown? Romance-novel pirate? Famous, corrupt politician in bikini underwear and fishnet tights? Be sure to have your favorite Halloween candies, lots of candles, and your favorite slow-dancing music.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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