Are You Doing What You Love?


Barbara Sher has been inspiring people for most of my adult life to do what they love. She’s helped them tap into their talents and passions. She’s helped them get around a million obstacles. She’s told them not to choose between the many things that thrill them, but to use her tricks to fit them all into one lifetime. She’s even helped them figure out what they love doing.
When you’re not doing what you love, she says you’re robbing all of us of the genius that lives inside you. More importantly, you are robbing your marriage of passion, delight, and the quiet confidence of succeeding in spite of any lousy moods and lack of character.
Over the years, I have read Barbara’s books, watched her on PBS specials, become a Sher Success Teams Leader, and spent time getting to know her at three retreats and a Big Cheap Weekend.
Now I am helping her launch a wonderful new program called Hanging Out with Barbara Sher. She hopes to capture some of the delight of those moments between sessions at her retreats and weekends, when she shares some of the things she loves and nudges us with ideas so compelling that we cannot let them die when we go home again.
The launch date is April 28, 2012. That is the first day you can sign up to receive the program, in three installments a week for a full year. It is also the day of a really special launch party.
Barbara is offering a free 90-minute teleseminar and more than $2,500 in prizes during the launch party. She is also offering a free subscription to one lucky member of her mailing list on the 28th. (Add your email address at the bottom of this page.)
I am not eligible to win any of the great prizes, but and your spouse are. They will be given out to folks who use Twitter to participate in the celebration. Getting started with Twitter is really easy. And even if you don’t win, every single tweet of yours will send 10 cents of Barbara Sher’s money to Himalayan kids who really need them.
So, put her on speakerphone and set up face-to-face laptops with your mate on Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 2 pm EDT (time converter). You’ll see my Assume Love daisy next to my Twitter name (@married) on all of my tweets that day. Make one of your first tweets Hey @married I’m here at Barbara Sher’s Launch Party #BarbaraSher so I know you made it to the party.
And please let me know if you sign up for Hanging Out with Barbara Sher or if you win a prize. Every one of the prizes could literally change your life and your marriage.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • I joined Barbara’s mailing list a few months ago. I was excited to hear about her launch party until I saw the date. I am very disappointed that I will be unable to participate in the launch party due to an important family commitment at the exact same time. Do you know if a recording of her teleseminar will be offered for purchase afterward?

  • I signed up in time to be a charter member. I am looking forward to hanging out with Barbara!

  • No apologies necessary, Patty. I knew you were busy with the launch. I was finally able to listen to the recording this afternoon. Very interesting stuff.

By Patty Newbold

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