And the Kindle Winner Is…


Rachel Cornell has won the Kindle I offered to the Enjoy Being Married newsletter subscriber who could add the most new subscribers during the month of October. She recruited more than the next two runners-up combined!
Rachel was highly motivated. She wrote a blog post explaining why; With Kindle, Legally Blind Can READ (I Want One)! In it, she wrote:
“A lot has changed since I broke the spines on new books and tore the pages out. My computer talks emails, reads PDF files and ebooks out loud to me. I download audio books from the library right to my large-type blackberry. I give my blackberry voice commands. All this is a thrill, but nothing can compare to my excitement in the possibility of being able to have a WHOLE BOOKSTORE nearly completely accessible to me, in real time.”
I am so glad to put this Kindle in her hands.
Rachel is known as the ProNagger, “Guaranteed to get you working on your book, blog, business, art, website, relationship, PR, health, future. I’m blind but I see thru your stuff.”
She is not just an Enjoy Being Married newsletter subscriber and frequest teleclass participant; she is also my get-it-done coach. I highly recommend her Daily-Nag service. In just a few minutes a day, she got my rear end in gear and had me feeling great about accomplishing a tough goal. This Monday, November 1st, Rachel’s launching a free “HabitBuilders” beta group, sure to be another huge success.
The two runners-up, each of whom also recruited quite a few new subscribers for the Enjoy Being Married newsletter, received a $10 Amazon gift certificate, so they can read some Kindle books on their PCs. In second place was Sara Shick of Pennsylvania, and close behind her was Cathy Haskins of New York.
To Rachel, Sara, and Cathy, and to all the other Enjoy Being Married subscribers who helped grow our mailing list, a big, big thank you! I am very glad I reached out to my subscribers instead of buying advertising, and I welcome all the new subscribers to attend some of our free teleclasses on how to enjoy being married. What a great group!

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • I’m so excited about the Kindle!!! What to read first?
    I rarely enter internet contests because I can’t stand behind the business I’m being asked to promote.
    This one was a no-brainer. I love what you do here! The advice I’ve gotten from you has been easy to apply….AND IT WORKED. My very enjoyable marriage will be 4 on the 9th.

By Patty Newbold

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