How to Remain Attractive to Your Spouse


Want to look your most attractive? Smile and look into your sweetie’s eyes.
That’s the word today from the Face Research Laboratory in Aberdeen. The report appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science.
Here’s what they found. First, people look more attractive to others with a smile on their face than with a disgusted look. But you knew that. Second, in general, people look more attractive to the opposite sex. You knew this, too, I’m sure.
So, what’s new? Whether you’re male or female, and whether you’re smiling or looking disgusted, you’re more attractive if you’re looking directly at the other person. The extra attractiveness is small but real with a look of disgust. It’s much greater when you’re smiling.
If you’re a woman smiling at a man, you get the biggest boost in attractiveness when you also look directly at him. However, even men get a significant boost, just by remembering to look at her.
So, assume love to turn your distressed looks into smiles, then stop what you’re doing and really look at the person you married. It will make you more attractive than you already are.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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