
Expect Love


While you wait for the help with housework or errands you expected, listen for the caring words you expected, wait for company for something you expected to do together, mourn the expected gifts you never get, or wait for an expected hug or caress of the hand, you miss out on everything else your husband or wife wants to offer you as soon as you prepare your heart to receive it without a...

Lucky Day


On days like this, when so many people fear for their lives and property, when so many have already lost theirs, I feel lucky. My life has its ordinary ups and downs, but I am safe, and I am not on my own. I feel so fortunate to be married on days like this. We have some minor damage from last night’s storm, but we got off very easy. Around us, at least one person has lost his life and...

How to Choose Your Life Partner


For Amna Ahmad, who asked tonight on Twitter whether Assume Love has anything for the “non-married and looking,” here are a few tips. Don’t try to sell anyone on commitment. Date people who are ready for it. If your date invents you (praising you for traits you may even possess but have not yet revealed), tells you in the first or second encounter he or she might move far away...

5 Unusual Tips for Enjoying Valentine’s Day


Five ways to make Valentine’s Day with your husband or wife better than ever: Recognize that giving chocolates or other gifts may not feel like a loving act to your spouse. It may feel a lot more like a chore. If he or she does it anyway, it’s because doing chores for you feels like a loving act. Make the chore easier. Let your mate know what delights you: fancy wrappings, high...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Losing the Baggage


What if you planned a special time with your mate — a meal, a weekend in a cabin, a quiet time after the kids are in bed — and stayed fully present in the moment? What if you acted as if — and spoke as if — nothing at all, good or bad, had ever happened between you and all of your current problems were completely under control? What if you ignored your husband’s or...

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