Tagwhy be married

Why Be Married? For the Creativity Boost


Today is the fifth anniversary for a couple of great friends of mine. They are two of the most creative people I know. Each of them provides a boost to the other’s creative efforts. He is Matthew Cornell, a photo-realistic painter with a thing for stormy weather. He won first place in painting at the Saint Louis Art Fair in Clayton, MO, this year. That’s a big deal prize, in case...

Why Be Married? For the Hot Water


As you might have heard, the northeastern U.S. got hit with a record-breaking October snowstorm yesterday. We were right in its path. And even though I usually overprepare for hurricanes, I didn’t do much about this freak storm, because I was supposed to pick up my mother at the airport. Instead of preparing the house, I was digging out my car. Online weather reports kept telling me it was...

Why Be Married? So Your Heart Bypass Lasts


Psychologist and relationship researcher Harry Reis says: “Getting relationships right is something that people ought to pay attention to, because it is significant.” The University of Rochester professor and nursing professor Kathy King asked 225 heart bypass surgery survivors two simple questions a year after surgery: Are you married? Do you feel happily married compared to most...

Why Be Married? Not Alone for Our Own Happiness


“After the open-air meeting the procession reformed and marched back to the chapel, which was filled to the door with a crowd that waited impatiently for the service to begin. The chapel was decorated with evergreens, roses, wedding bells and flags. A solid bank of white and green was before the altar. Above, a huge wedding bell of flowers was suspended. Before the ceremony Mrs. Stillwell...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Why Be Married? To Enjoy Your Lottery Winnings Together


I love this story! Colin and Christine Weir, a Scottish couple with two grown children, now rank just behind David and Victoria Beckham on the UK’s Sunday Times Rich List. Just the interest on their recent lottery prize will give them £5 million a year. According to The Upshot, a Yahoo! News blog, the two have been married for 30 years. They stayed up all night together after discovering...

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