Tagwhy be married

Why Be Married? To Be a Great Dad


Fathers matter so much to their children. If you’re reading this blog, I know you care a lot about your marriage. You have no idea how delighted this makes me. Loving your children’s mother is the number one thing you can do for those kids. We moms often think we know best about raising children, but dads are important because they have different goals and different approaches to...

Why Be Married? For the Questions


One of the things I really like about being married is being asked questions that force me to look at things from other angles. My husband excels at coming up with these. Lately, an odd string of unexpected occurrences keeps taking me back to my roots, one of which was city planning, my college major. Not the where do we need some green space sort of planning nor the should this be zoned light...

Why Be Married? For the Tacos


Yesterday afternoon, all I could think of was tacos. Nothing fancy, like our favorite Mexican restaurant serves, nor really spicy, like the wonderful new restaurant we found last month. Just simple, ground-beef tacos in pre-made taco shells, overflowing with shredded lettuce and salsa. But after I bought the ingredients, I had no energy to make them. So I asked my husband, and he said yes, and...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Why Be Married? For the Fans


The San Diego Padres are up for sale, because John and Becky Moores are no longer willing to be married. Baseball’s rules require one controlling owner, and they don’t have enough assets to split them without violating this rule, except by selling the team. According to SignOnSanDiego, “The Moores met in high school history class in Texas and married in 1963. They have four...

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