
What Should a Spouse Do?


“My husband should eat better; I don’t want him to have a second heart attack.” “My wife should cook our meals and clean up after them; after all, I go to work everyday to support the two of us and our children.” “My spouse should speak kindly to me; Words of Affirmation is my Love Language, and I make an effort to come up with plenty of Acts of Service.”...

Doing All the Chores?


You know how you start thinking you’re doing the bulk of the chores? Or that you’re stuck with way too many on top of your exhausting paid job? You are not alone. Most wives feel this way. And so do most husbands. How can this be? Surely one of us is trying to put something over on the other. Surely one of us needs to pick up the pace a bit and relieve our mate, no? Not really. Even...

Did Thanksgiving Leave You Happier?


Positive psychology researchers have shown that feeling and expressing gratitude are two sure ways to feel happier. If you got too tied up in food preparation, cleanup, or family squabbles to do much Thanksgiving on Thursday, you still have two days left before you head back to work on Monday. What about your spouse and your relationship do you give thanks for?

Five Ways to Screw Up a Holiday


Here are five great ways to screw up a family holiday: Overschedule yourselves, leaving no time to savor together the family gathering you worked so hard to create Fail to notice your mate’s Love Language, whether it’s bringing something extra from the store as a gift, obsessing over the turkey as an act of service, or spending precious bonus time off from work trying to talk or do...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

When You First Met


What do you remember most about when you first met your husband or wife? Other than the physical attraction, what impressed you? Was it his or her zest for living? Integrity? A great sense of humor? That love of learning? His or her leadership skills? Or sense of responsibility for the poor or the environment or the members of his or her team? Was it surprising creativity? Great kindness or...

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