CategoryMarriage problems

Small Annoyances


Small annoyances can become big marriage problems. What do I mean by small annoyances? Socks on the floor, cap off the toothpaste, water on the counter, putting a milk container with just one ounce of milk back in the refrigerator without buying more or putting it on the shopping list, leaving things on the passenger seat of the car, going missing while you’re shopping, getting out of bed...

Protect a Dream, Avoid a Fight


Imagine you recently discussed with your spouse replacing your aging car. The discussion did not go well until you dug down far enough to understand that layoffs are a near-term possibility where your spouse works. Your spouse knows how much you want a new car, but you’re not a crazy risk-taker. You agreed it makes sense to wait before buying that new car. Now, you’re watching a...

Getting help with the Business of Running a Home


I’ve owned a few businesses, some on my own, two of them with partners. For tax purposes, it’s important to be clear whether any person I am working with is an employee, a self-employed contractor, or a partner. An employee does what I want, how I like it, and when I want, typically at will, which means either of us can end the relationship if we’re unhappy. A self-employed...

My Wife Says She’s Leaving Me


Women initiate more divorces than men do. The words “I’m leaving you” can be a complete shock, especially if you’ve been just coasting in your relationship. What should you do next? This depends on what you’re thinking. She can’t leave me! I won’t let her. If these are your first thoughts, you’re in a very dangerous spot, and your first step must be...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

When Your Spouse Won’t Use Your Love Language


I’m sure you have heard of Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages. Lots of us have read the book. Others have learned the languages from magazine articles or workshops. If you and your husband or wife share a Love Language, it’s easy to show your love for each other. For the rest of us, there is a giant pitfall you might want to avoid. If you expect your spouse to use your Love...

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