On Sharing a Television


Do you and your beloved love the same TV shows? Not us! Of course, there are some we agree on. The Good Wife is one, not one I would expect, as most relationship dramas are all mine. Glad it’s back. Royal Pains is another. And we’re both nuts for The Newsroom on HBO.
Tonight, my husband is re-watching the finale of Breaking Bad. While I was able to sit through a few episodes, and I had to agree it was excellent acting, I was pretty sure the finale would distress me. So I skipped it. But I did sit through Talking Bad, the show where they discuss Breaking Bad, after it was over. After all, he’ll be mourning the loss of these characters for a while.
We live in a small house. There’s no sleeping while either of us is watching, and he’s always sleeping when Sunday Morning and Fareed Zakaria’s GPS, two of my favorites, come on. It’s certainly easier when we want to watch together or turn it off. But it’s not going to happen that often. My husband is a film and television production major who had his own TV show in high school. He loves TV.
And that’s why we’ve found a couple of Third Alternatives: some technology to let me comfortably read a book while he watches and a DVR to record shows for watching on our own schedule.
Our relationship is too important to get someone else’s TV scheduling get in the way.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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  • My fiancĂ© and I use TV shows as one way we can do something “together”, since he’s incarcerated in another state. I started watching Breaking Bad for him (I didn’t really like the show that much–but yes great acting). The episode that was 2 episodes ago was far more distressing than the finale! I had to turn it off at a certain point. The finale was very anticlimactic.
    I love your blog, Patty. “Expect Love” is a really hard concept for me to grasp, and I’m pretty resistant to it honestly, but it’s slowly growing on me and I’m about to start reading through your whole blog for a second time!

By Patty Newbold

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