Giving Thanks


Thanks to the two wonderful husbands who have given me their love, especially the current one, who goes with the flow on so many surprising changes in our lives.
Thanks to my incredible son, who has given me a marvelous daughter-in-law and, with her, the wonderful experience of being a grandmother.
Thanks to Barbara Sher for pushing me to do what I love. (This blog is a big part of it.) And these days for funding it (through the work I do on her fascinating projects). Thanks to her, too, for the wonderful group of WriteSpeak grads and others I have met through her who encourage me constantly and lead the way.
Thanks to Seth Godin for creating, another source of enormous inspiration and great conversations, and to all who gathered there for this weekend’s reunion. To see all that Seth has inspired and all that the Triiibe has encouraged and supported just through this one website is awesome.
Thanks to my in-laws for giving me both husbands and to the first set for standing by me and providing such great support in my widowed years.
Thanks to my dear friends who see me through tough times and celebrate the good ones with such gusto. I wish I lived nearer to each of you.
Thanks to all who have been members of my Success Teams and all who have attended my Idea Parties. You have made the world a better place, full of opportunity and celebration. I will launch another Success Team in January.
Thanks to all who have purchased or downloaded anything from my website. I promise more there in January, too.
And thank you, thank you, kind readers and commenters of Assume Love. Writing for you clarifies my thinking and improves my own marriage. Hearing from you brings tears to my eyes, whether sharing in your pain or delighting in the improvements you’ve made in your marriages.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving Day full of gratitude for the past, savoring of the present, great company, and love given and received.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • Beautifully written, Patty. Tammy and I are thankful to have such a wealth of wisdom and thought provoking posts from your site. Tammy actually says, out loud, “Assume Love!” when I begin to grumble about something. Great stuff! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  • And thanks to you Patty, you are truly a ‘marriage miracle worker.’ i am deeply grateful for the insight and the clarity you have brought to my life and marriage with just one simple phone call. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and really truly thank you! ps looking forward to GDDN next week.(:

  • Excuse me for butting in to your blog, because I am a widower for 4 years now, but my wife and I had 59 years together, have 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren. My wife and I had only one argument when her fiery temper possessed her to throw 6 empty sucepans at me but I dodged them all. From that day on we did not argue but decided to call them a difference of opinion in the future. We travelled over most of our native country Australia and met lots of people from all walks of life and made many new friends. Now, I usually only told her about once a week that I loved her but to let her know each & every day that my love had not changed overnight, I would walk up to her, place an arm over her shoulder and give a her a gentle kiss, then keep going to where I was headed for. Or I might walk up quietly behind her, throw my arms around her waist and when she would throw her arms up place my head next to her breast and give her a gentle squeeze. These were our way of doing things that told each other those three little magical words “I LOVE YOU”was still in our hearts.

  • Roy, you are not butting in at all. Stories of what worked in your marriage are always most welcome here, especially when it worked for 59 years! What a great loss you have suffered in her death.

By Patty Newbold

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