5 Ways to Enjoy Being Married on a Dreary Day


I am looking out my window at a dreary day. The rain has stopped for a bit, but the sun is still hiding. More rain, with flash flood warnings, will arrive very soon.
It is easy to feel sad right now. It is also easy to feel warmly loved. And it is my choice. Here are five ways I (and you, if you choose) can switch moods on a day without sunshine.

  1. See the good behind the bad. Dreary days are less frequent here than where I last lived. And the only reason I moved here, the only reason I know Doylestown exists, is because I fell in love with this man I am married to. All those extra gorgeous days I owe to his love for me.
  2. Count those blessings. Yesterday, my husband saved me a lot of time with one quick answer to a technical question. When I described a second, bigger problem, he put it on his reminders list to look online for possible solutions today. And when I woke up this morning, there was a freshly baked biscuit awaiting me.
  3. Look for love. I stopped typing and touched his arm when he entered the office, and he took my hand. I stopped to enjoy it for a bit. Then he kissed my head and was gone.
  4. Pay closer attention to seemingly irrelevant clues. I received a nice discount coupon by email from a restaurant in town. I printed it, and it is sitting on my desk. It is a buy one entree get another free coupon. This made me think how nice it has been, for almost 15 years now, to have someone to dine with.
  5. Do a Flashback. When we first got together, dining together was such a treat. He would take me to some wonderful restaurant, review the menu, then look into my eyes, hold both hands and tap his foot on the floor like a dog getting his belly scratched while smiling ear to ear. I loved this (still do, when he does it). However, back then we also needed a journal on the coffee table in which to record anything we agreed on, just to disperse the fear that we would always disagree on everything. We have come so far since then, and recalling the journey we have shared fills my heart with real warmth on this dreary day.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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