Tagtop ten

Top Ten Again!!


A thousand thank yous to all who read this blog and especially to all who voted. We placed #4 this year in the Top Ten Marriage Blogs of 2011 competition. We placed ahead of some pretty incredible blogs, thanks to you! Special thanks to Susan R, Cherie Travis, 365 Acts of Love, Barbara Sher, Andrea Reese, and Kimberly Stewart, who all left comments to let me know they voted. If you have not done...

I Have a Favor to Ask


If you have a moment between now and Sunday, December 4th, please visit the Stupendous Marriage website and vote for this blog as your favorite during 2011. The form is below the list of finalists. You must provide your email address, select your favorite from the drop-down list, and use the Send button to send your vote to Stu Gray. The ten annual winners are always widely shared with marriage...

Assume Love in Top Ten Marriage Blogs of 2010!


Thank you, thank you, all you wonderful Assume Love readers, for voting this blog as one of the Top Ten Marriage Blogs of 2010. What a great honor. You are the best readers a gal could ask for. I will work hard to bring you even better content in 2011. And a big thank you to Stu Gray, The Marry Blogger, for creating this top ten list to highlight all the wonderful free help available on the...

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