
Stay Married for the Kids?


When a marriage grows distant or unsatisfying, one partner or the other may ask, “Should I stay for the kids?” Sure. If you stay married for the sake of your children, they will avoid the overscheduled life of a child of divorce. They will find more money in their education account or better food on the table thanks to the economies of a shared household. And they will probably manage...

And the Kindle Winner Is…


Rachel Cornell has won the Kindle I offered to the Enjoy Being Married newsletter subscriber who could add the most new subscribers during the month of October. She recruited more than the next two runners-up combined! Rachel was highly motivated. She wrote a blog post explaining why; With Kindle, Legally Blind Can READ (I Want One)! In it, she wrote: “A lot has changed since I broke the...

From Tiger Woods’ Announcement: 48 Words We All Need to Hear


“I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled.” At some point in your marriage, there is a high probability you will reach a point where temptation hits at the exact same moment you...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

My Husband Made Me Eat It!


My Husband Made Me Eat It is my new column for married folks trying to maintain weight loss, like me. It’s part of a fantastic web site filled with great tips and advice for anyone losing weight or keeping it off, SecondHelpingOnline.com. Check out recipes like Turkey Burgers Garnished with Chopped Roasted Shallot, Catalan Mushrooms, and Maple Molasses Chipotle Ketchup or easy-on-the...

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