
When Marriage Feels So Unfair


Until I was so suddenly widowed, I did not understand fairness in marriage. I was feeling in the months before his death that I was stuck with the lion’s share of the effort. It felt so unfair. It’s hard to enjoy being married with a feeling like that, and I imagined the cure was for him to assume more of the responsibility and effort. I was wrong. The day after his death, this became...

Assume Love? Why?


At first read, a lot of folks think I must be daft to encourage anyone to Assume Love. It sounds like it would let a spouse just walk all over you. I am not the sort of person who lets anyone walk all over me. But I was, for my first 34 years, the sort who unknowingly walked around assuming a few things that robbed me of the great marriage I could have had. When my husband rather abruptly dropped...

This Mess of a Marriage is Not My Fault!


This mess of a marriage we have is NOT my fault. Why should I be the one to change? I have heard this question from people who do not see why it would help to Assume Love, Expect Love, and Find Third Alternatives. I have even asked it myself before that horrible day that opened my eyes. So perhaps you ask it, too. Here’s the thing. Should is the wrong word. When you ask why you should be...

Broken Promises


Thanks again to Tammy from Creating Success Stories for this great question.
When we were married, my husband and I agreed that I would take care of the inside of the house and he would take care of the outsideā€¦he is lazy and does nothing and I want you to help me do something about it! What should I do to make him do what he promised to?

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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