Tagdate night

Date Night: How to Keep Your Marriage Intimate


Intimate: Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity (answers.com). Intimate: Marked by a warm friendship developing through long association (merriam-webster.com). Date Night Goals: Become better acquainted, build warm memories with your husband, wife, or life partner. Free Teleclass: Enjoy Being Married, Wednesday, December 14, 2011, at 9pm Eastern. What You Will Learn: How to...

Inexpensive but Fun Date Nights


Taking time to renew your relationship with each other makes it easier to remember why you married. Working Mother magazine asked me to suggest a few fun nights out for December, when many budgets are tight. The December issue is on newsstands now, and the article is online. I would sure appreciate a Facebook Like or a Twitter tweet if you like any of the suggestions I gave them. Buttons for both...

Date Night Ideas for Geek Couples


Date nights can really help a couple with children or busy work schedules maintain the close and stimulating relationship of their dating days. To get the most benefit from a date night, schedule it in advance and create souvenirs while you enjoy it. Both give you more opportunities to savor your time together. And savoring helps it compete better with your negative thoughts about your marriage...

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