CategoryHow to Expect Love

Meeting Your Own Needs


Here’s my reply to another question posed by my friend Tammy from Creating Success Stories.
Do adults who practice assumed love live separate lives (since they are meeting all of their own needs, bar one : -}), other than in the bedroom?



The question of the day in Compuserve’s Family Forum was addressed to those who have divorced. It asked whether changing expectations in your marriage led to the divorce. I want to share my reply here. Yes, my changing expectations led to divorce, or darn close to it. When my husband died very unexpectedly just a day after I told him my long list of unmet expectations led me to believe...

All You Need Is Love


No, love isn’t all you need to get through life. But when talking about your marriage, this song title serves as excellent advice. All you need from your husband or wife is love. If you’ve got kids and a house and a job and a love of quiet walks in the woods, you probably have a lot more needs, but you don’t need them from your spouse. You need them whether or not you’ve...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Three Approaches to Feeling More Loved


Almost all of us crave love. A few seem to get by without it, and a few more claim unconvincingly to do without, but most of us will twist ourselves into knots to be loved. Married folks who don’t feel loved enough can really feel deprived. I’ve noticed that when we crave more love from a spouse, we have only three choices. The first one many of us try is what I’d call foot...

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