CategoryGetting married

Doing What Your Spouse Doesn’t Want You to Do


You want to work, take a class, quit your job, stay in touch with your friends, get your exercise by dancing, offer a relative a place to stay for the night. Your husband or wife isn’t happy about this. What do you do? First, remember to Expect Love. It’s what you’re married for. You need it. But when you demand love come in a particular package, you chase it away. Don’t...

Being Married: The Value of Closing Off Options


Another upside to being married: It’s the rational thing to do. In MIT Professor Dan Ariely’s new book, Predictably Irrational, he shows how irrationally we’ll behave to keep our options open, whether it’s TV surfing, paying extra for features we don’t even know if we have any use for, or pursuing interesting opportunities that distract us from our goals. Professor...

Having Fun


In James Madison University’s student newspaper, The Breeze, Katie King reported: Though Valentine’s Day tends to be embraced more by those in relationships, freshman Nicole Carter is currently single and not sweating it. “I think that there is someone out there for everyone, you just have to wait until you find that person or until they find you,” Carter said. “I...

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