CategoryBooks and classes

What Managers Need to Know about Marriage


I will be speaking about managing married employees on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, in Philadelphia. If you are a manager, a supervisor, or a trainer, I promise lots of useful ideas. I hope you will come to this meeting of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). Why should managers care? Because unhappy marriages tank productivity and...

Did Fireproof Change Your Marriage?


Have you seen the movie Fireproof? It’s worth a watch, and it’s now out on DVD. It’s the story of a couple rediscovering each other and the meaning of commitment through a 40-day “Love Dare” from the husband’s father. If you have seen it, and it has changed your marriage, Gary Chapman, author of the fantastic book The Five Love Languages, is offering you a...

Hispanic Marriage Day October 12th


Tomorrow is National Hispanic Marriage Day (Festival Nacional del Matrimonio Hispano-Latino), with events scheduled in Sacramento, California and Dallas, Texas. UNIVISION Radio Dallas is a sponsor. Tune in if you’re in the area. The Orange County (CA) Register reports, from a survey of 2,000 Californians: “While just 57 percent of the general population said they want to get married...

Join the Tribe of Well-Loved Husbands and Wives


Last Saturday, I received a wonderful treat in the mail. Seth Godin sent me an advance copy of his new book Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, due for release on October 16th. In the tradition of his earlier books, it’s short, a great read, highly inspirational, and the sort of book that gets you thinking, rather than telling you what to do. What it’s got me thinking of are ways to reach...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

My Spouse Acts Like He (She) Hates Me!


My article, My Spouse Acts Like He (She) Hates Me! When You No Longer Feel Loved, in the Summer issue of Going Bonkers? The self-help magazine with a sense of humor, will be in bookstores on July 3rd. Which bookstores? Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books-a-Million, Hastings Books, and independent bookstores like Doylestown Bookshop. Some outlets may not carry the magazine, and some may run out...

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