Marriages on the Brink


I have not been writing many blog posts lately. One big reason is the number of replies I have been writing to comments being added daily to my April 5, 2012 post. Every one of them could be a blog post on its own. All are about marriages on the brink of divorce.

  • She wants to stand on her own two feet as her only child turns 18.
  • She’s in love with a younger man in another country that she met online
  • He wants sex, she wants help.
  • She’s addicted and texting a guy she promised not to text.
  • He loves her but is no longer in love with her.
  • He’s had it with her bad temper, but when he agreed to give it another try, he let her catch him viewing an online dating site.
  • She’s having second thoughts about going through with the divorce after three years of separation, but he’s living with someone else.
  • He says it’s over. She doesn’t want him to go. But when he seemed unable to leave, she packed his clothes as an act of kindness.
  • And that’s just in the last four days.

I hope you will read some of my replies to these hurting people. I’m hoping someone might catch the weeds in their garden a little earlier than they did. I hate to see good marriages get so bad.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • Wow, Patty, you have been busy. So many people are in deep pain, stuck in hard places, not knowing what to do. I’m glad that you are there to offer them some sensible and compassionate guidance.

  • Patty, I just took a look at your “On the Brink” post and some of the comments. Wow. I just want to say thank you for doing what you do. I know that writing and blogging and putting thought into every post and comment takes a lot of time, time that certainly must take away from other important things in your life. Yet I know that you write with a sense of love and sharing to all these people in pain, including myself at times when my marriage has been very hard. Thank you.

  • Gen, your comment touches me deeply. Thank you.
    I cannot tell you how much I enjoy answering the questions people post on this blog. I so appreciate them for being willing to tell their story. I know that each one who asks a question is helping so many others facing a similar problem, giving me the opportunity to share some relevant research, tips, authors, or perspectives.
    I love this work.

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