
Before You Divorce


I’m not sure why this never occurred to me when I was contemplating a divorce, so maybe it hasn’t occurred to you, either. If something’s missing in your marriage—romance, conversation, encouragement, quality time together, children, pleasant surprises, shared interests, help with errands or chores, physical touch, compliments, whatever—give some thought to this. How will get...

More Romance in My Marriage, Please


Happy Valentine’s Day, and thank you for this fourth anniversary of the Asssume Love blog. It wouldn’t be any fun at all without you. If you’ve been lurking, I hope you will say hi in the comments on this anniversary of ours. Today’s topic is, of course, romance. When it gets this much advertising, this much aisle space in almost every store, you would think every husband...

Why “Love Me Better” Fails


I’m unhappy. Love me better.” That’s not exactly how we put it. We ask for more time at home, more romance, more appreciation, more help around the house, or more evenings out. Usually, what we ask for are things we received lots of us at the start of the relationship. We just want to go back to those good times, to feeling loved. Feeling that loved again is a perfectly...

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