
When Your Spouse Spends Too Much


When Your Spouse Spends Too Much (or Earns Too Little) is the title of my next teleclass, scheduled for July 13, 2011 at 6 pm PDT, 9 pm EDT. There is no charge to attend, but you must be a newsletter subscriber to get the phone number, and you must phone in to participate. Put it on your calendar and sign up for the newsletter now at . I do not believe you are a victim. You hold the power to...

The Problem with Expectations in Marriage


One of my favorite sayings (I think it comes from Alcoholics Anonymous) is this: “An expectation is a premeditated resentment.” December is a big month for mistaken expectations, especially for a new couple or for one whose circumstances have changed this year. Do you want to spend this month angry about the help you expected, the gifts you expected, the attendance at family or social...

David and Michelle Paige Paterson: What We Can Learn from their Admissions


NY Governor David Paterson and his wife made some tough public admissions of infidelity as he starts his service as governor of the state where Eliot Spitzer just stepped down. “I betrayed a commitment to my wife several years ago…both of us committed acts of infidelity.” It’s an awful thing to confess to, and many cannot understand how a decent man or woman could be unfaithful or how...

Save $300 and Your Marriage


Here’s a terrific offer in my inbox tonight for everyone who has been walking on eggshells in their marriage, feeling resentful toward their mate, or getting out-of-control angry at them. It comes from one of my favorite newsletters, Smart Marriages. Steven Stosny is trying an experiment to make his highly-regarded Boot Camp, featured on Oprah and in many other national media, available at...

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