
Marriage Questions? We Have Answers


Once a month, I do a free marriage education teleclass. This is your opportunity to learn a little and ask me just about anything. It usually a small group, so you can expect plenty of personal attention. The topic is announced in advance. On November 9th, the topic will be In-laws, Step-kids, and Holidays. If time allows, we will tackle other topics, based on your questions. I would love to have...

Why Be Married? For the Questions


One of the things I really like about being married is being asked questions that force me to look at things from other angles. My husband excels at coming up with these. Lately, an odd string of unexpected occurrences keeps taking me back to my roots, one of which was city planning, my college major. Not the where do we need some green space sort of planning nor the should this be zoned light...

More on Turning Disagreements into Shared Victories


How did you do with yesterday’s challenge to solve a toothpaste cap disagreement? A Third Alternative is a solution to your disagreement that will make both of you feel respected, loved, and in control of what matters to you. You create shared specs for your Third Alternative. They include the outcomes each of you values from your initial alternatives. They protect both of you from anything...

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