
Getting help with the Business of Running a Home


I’ve owned a few businesses, some on my own, two of them with partners. For tax purposes, it’s important to be clear whether any person I am working with is an employee, a self-employed contractor, or a partner. An employee does what I want, how I like it, and when I want, typically at will, which means either of us can end the relationship if we’re unhappy. A self-employed...

How to Choose the Perfect Partner


If you are not yet married but would like to be, you may wonder if you now date or live with “the one” you should marry or, if not, how to spot this perfect partner. I received an email recently from someone wondering about this, too. Who is Your Perfect Partner? Your perfect partner adds something extra to your good enough life. He or she is not responsible for making it good enough...

All Men are Dogs


I love Wray Herbert’s blog, We’re Only Human, and one of his recent posts has me thinking. Citing Claude M. Steele’s research on stereotypes, he writes: “Steele’s unique contribution is taking us inside the mind of the stereotype victim, and it’s not a pretty sight. When we’re unnerved by an unsavory caricature, our minds race; we’re vigilant;...

Happy Marriages Start with Happy Partners


One thing I learned from screwing up my first marriage is that happy marriages start with happy partners. It’s not the other way around. As much as your mate might want to add to your happiness, he or she cannot make you happy when you are not. In my second marriage, Barbara Sher’s book Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want has been a big part of our efforts to find our own...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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