
Money: What Are You Protecting?


I read a lot of relationship and marriage newsletters, columns, and blogs. Money issues come up a lot in them. The advice givers fall into two camps. I wish we had research results on which strategy pays off best in the long run for the most people. Which one is yours? Camp #1: Protect divorced or deserted you by keeping control of all your assets and your place in the job market, even after...

A Total Should Show


I spent over an hour reading comments this weekend on Facebook, about a letter to Miss Manners in the Washington Post. Never saw her column, and none of the commenters even touched on etiquette. They opined on what everyone involved should do. I got sucked into this should show. I couldn’t stop reading. I just kept hoping for someone to stop looking in all the wrong places for what to do...

Is Financial Irresponsibility Grounds for Divorce?


A reader asks how to help a newlywed friend. She’s paying the bills, keeping careful track, budgeting for every predictable expense. He’s running up unexpected bills, failing to warn her what they will owe this month or to turn over needed paperwork on time. And it’s drowning her in distress. Can this marriage be saved? Can she live with a man like this? Of course she can. How...

Facing the Holidays Short on Cash


Money, especially a shortage of money, may wreck your marriage. Holidays can ramp up the pressure. If money comes between you and the most important person in your life this month, stop yourself before you lash out, become secretive, or avoid your spouse to avoid a confrontation. This is your chance to build a stronger, lasting bond. Don’t blow it. Holidays celebrate love: God’s love...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Why Don’t You Get a Job?


“The kids are grown. They have their own car. One’s in college. The other is going next year. Why don’t you get a job? We could really use the money.” “I want to. But not just any job. I can’t go back to what I was doing. I need coworkers I can stand being around. And I need to keep doing something meaningful. I am not sure I could stand working in an insurance...

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