
Losing the Baggage


What if you planned a special time with your mate — a meal, a weekend in a cabin, a quiet time after the kids are in bed — and stayed fully present in the moment? What if you acted as if — and spoke as if — nothing at all, good or bad, had ever happened between you and all of your current problems were completely under control? What if you ignored your husband’s or...

Angry Mate? TV Show has Answers


The Discovery Health Channel on cable TV will be showing Enraged this week, which “follows the dramatic and compelling stories of two families close to the breaking point because of a loved one’s explosive anger.” Steven Stosny appears, with a glimpse into his powerful Boot Camp for couples dealing with anger. The schedule: Sunday, May 2 at 10 pm Monday, May 3 at 12 am Tuesday...

7 Ways to Get the Sort of Gifts You Love


For those who don’t get excited about receiving gifts, giving them can be a chore. Worse yet, gift-giving can become a no-win trap, one in which they are certain to disappoint someone who matters a lot to them. Here are seven ways to have more fun this month if you love giving and receiving gifts but your spouse doesn’t: Create a wish list and make it easy for your mate to find. Find...

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