Tagmarriage license

Marriage and the Government


Who put the government in charge of marriage? Why do we need a license to marry? Why do we need a judge to divorce? In the US and quite possibly every other country, the government decides who is married and who is not. And it really doesn’t care whether you love each other, only whether you make a commitment that benefits your fellow citizens. In return, it offers you two some benefits and...

Can Renewable Marriage Eliminate Divorce Pain?


Someone in Mexico City has proposed a marriage license that expires unless both spouses renew it. The minimum term is two years, so it is highly likely to take longer to terminate such a marriage. Regular marriages in Mexico can be ended with a no-fault divorce in just six months. The purported advantage lies in a premarital agreement about custody of any children and who gets what from any...

Why Be Married? For the Name


Michael Buday and Diana Bijon wanted to share a last name: hers. On Monday, he finally got his new driver’s license with the name Michael Bijon. He sued the State of California–and got a change in the law–when they told him it would cost $350 and require court appearances to get a name change women can make for free. According to Reuters, only nine other states include this...

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