Tagmarriage education

Marriage Questions? We Have Answers


Once a month, I do a free marriage education teleclass. This is your opportunity to learn a little and ask me just about anything. It usually a small group, so you can expect plenty of personal attention. The topic is announced in advance. On November 9th, the topic will be In-laws, Step-kids, and Holidays. If time allows, we will tackle other topics, based on your questions. I would love to have...

Great Resources for Marriage Education


Here are some of my favorites: Smart Marriages – find local classes, get recordings of talks by all the biggest names in marriage research and marriage education Money Habitudes – a card game that will help the two of you share and resolve your differing approaches to money Power of Two – online marriage education Compassion Power Boot Camps – Steven Stosny’s program...

Power of Two: Online Marriage Education


Did you ever play the “Tell Me My Spouse is Awful” game when something went wrong in your marriage? It’s the basis for the dreadful TV show, The Marriage Ref. You disagree, so you ask friends, even strangers, to decide who is “right.” Except neither of you is right. You just disagree. And disagreements with the most important person in your world are truly alarming...

Better Protection than a Prenup


USA Today’s Personal Finance section has an article today about the importance of prenups. Reporter Laura Petrecca cites Suze Orman, Elizabeth Gilbert, and matrimonial lawyers in support of the notion that prenuptial agreements protect a person entering a marriage from financial harm. I can definitely see some instances where a prenuptial agreement makes sense, especially to protect...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Air Force Gets Married, Stays Married


Fascinating news today from the Air Force Times. While 10.5% of the adult civilian population is divorced, only 4.4% of Air Force officers and 7.3% of enlisted airmen are. Think it’s because they don’t bother to marry, given all that times away from home? That’s not it, according to author Erik Holmes. Airmen are more likely to be married, especially officers. 70.9% of Air Force...

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